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May 23, 2024

Should you use a Telegram Support AI bot?

From understanding the basics to exploring advanced implementations, this guide will provide you with all the insights you need to make an informed decision.

May 2, 2024

Exploring the Effect of AI In Improving Customer Support on Discord and Telegram

Your server is growing quickly, support requests are flooding in, and your mods are nowhere to be found. It’s a more common scenario than many online community managers would like to admit.

Mar 27, 2024

Customer Support and AI: How it’s Done in 2024

Customers have an abundance of options in today's market, and capturing their attention and building loyalty to your brand is not an easy task.

Feb 29, 2024

Answering Tickets in a Discord Server with AwesomeQA

The AwesomeQA bot provides automated responses to user queries across multiple channels on your Discord servers. However, in addition to channel-based support, there is also support provided via tickets. The question is...

Feb 5, 2024

How to be a great community manager?

Most people think community managers are merely customer service representatives, but this is a huge misconception. In reality, their role is much more expansive and proactive...

Jan 24, 2024

Why you should build a community and how you can get started!

Why should you care about building a community around your project or brand? Isn’t it just another expense that requires a significant investment of resources? There are still many who aren’t doing it...

Jan 22, 2024

Managing a Large Community on Discord: The Challenges and Solutions

Building a strong community around your projects on platforms like Discord can make a huge difference! It's like creating a big team of cheerleaders who are ready to support your work, share ideas, and help your projects grow.

Jan 11, 2024

Why using AI chatbots makes sense: Understanding your Discord community

Most people join a Discord server for one simple reason: they have questions. Now one might assume that since usually there are so many people on a server, getting an answer to a question shouldn’t be a problem at all...

Dec 6, 2023

Customer Experiences with AwesomeQA from the likes of AAVE, Dune, and Scroll

Everyone knows it's good for business if community members get answers to their questions right away without waiting. That's why most companies try really hard to make this possible. But it's tough to do this the old-fashioned way because of its limits...

Oct 5, 2023

Automatically Answer Community Questions on Discord, Telegram, and Website

Managing a busy online community with limited moderators is tough. The same questions keep popping up, and typing out the same answers repeatedly is time-consuming and draining...

Aug 30, 2023

User Guide: Getting Started With AwesomeQA

AwesomeQA is an AI bot designed to help manage online communities on platforms like Discord, Telegram, and websites. It's like having a smart assistant that can quickly answer questions from community members.

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